Sometimes a Ruined Plan is a Thing to Love
Happy October! I hope yours started fantastic!
I'm in to the postponing
and breaking plans stage right now and this is absolutely lovely!

You might remember I am making myself a dress. Again. I thought I need to link "Again" to the previous unfinished dress but I see now I have not even shown the plan here. Well, this is skipping stages! I have two dresses, almost done, sitting and waiting now and the one I have not shown is so pretty... And I am really, happy I will make these dresses wait! I will tell you why in a minute.
As summer is practically over at the moment, I am kind of putting these on hold - Christmas is coming /with all the Christmas extravaganza and haste!/ and needles to say, I no longer need a new summer dress right now. I rather need blouses for the chilly mornings of the autumn days and blouses for the sunny days of the Indian summer coming our way. I got sunburn this weekend /pretty unusual to me/ and we had showers and chilly morning right after. Really temperamental autumn here and expecting a couple more such cycles in the couple of months.
So here is a small, really small and fast sewing project I squeezed
between all business things going on. It took literally minutes to cut
and baste it last weekend. And it is now in the queue to
my sewing table. It's small blouse and colourful one. All a girl needs in autumn day, I think.
I do love this print. It is kind of plain regarding drawing lines but the vivid colours make up for this really well.
It is funny to admit it but I love the fact I have to postpone some sewing projects. The reason is so simple and so lovely, I just have to. I am making my way to some new adventures that keep me really busy. The excitement about them makes a postpone dress project /or two!/ magical too as they become part of the adventure itself.
Stay tuned for all the news and enjoy your lovely October!
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