Gardening vs Sewing: My Garden and Myosotis Dress Patternn Printing
One can't have it all
I know, we always have to choose something over something else. Still it did not feel good when I had my new garden all watered and even the balcony washed /and the flowers did show so many signs they feel good/ and finally arrived to the copy shop only to find it had closed two minutes before I visited them.
So my latest adventure in sewing, a dress that I was so anxious to start making this evening, had to wait a day more, or I had to print the pattern at home and glue dozens of pages.
A Dress so Special

It is almost everything one can dream about in a summer dresst:
- It covers so much, sun burn is not an issue.
- It stays so far from the body, heat is not a problem.
- It pairs perfectly with light-weight fabrics, so skin is still being able to breath in a hot humid day, which makes it priceless addition to a wardrobe located by the sea. And mine actually is.
Some Plans and Some Memories
Another reason I liked it so much when I found it, was the fact I have been looking for a roomy and light dress for a month or so. I had also have a similar dress, I wore at my prom party. And a pin on my pinterest boards with a playful, roomy, light cotton dress for two years, at least. When it showed while I was looking for something else... it was like deja vue.
As Odd as it Gets
My choice of fabric looks pretty strange. Especially after admiring all the lovely Myosotis dresses showing around this summer /I liked so many, it is impossible to mention all/. They are all classy solids or beautiful, sometimes romantic florals, and I loved the gingham and stripy ones too.
Mine is a a light cotton satin I bought last summer for a dress /thinking of a maxi one/. It is bold and I am not sure yet I will be able to play with the print accordingly with this dress pattern. Maybe I will not be able to cut the proper sections and will need new fabric. Hopefully not. Or I will have to buy new fabric and sew a maxi dress too... not too bad actually. But I prefer a faster way to get the Myosotis dress ready. No more sunburn, or heavy dresses.
Oh, and look at the boldest part of my garden today - a newcomer this summer - an orange bougainvillea.
It is midnight and I have the pattern printed, assembled and cut too. It seems gardening and sewing can be combined and some sleeping might take place too. Despite the late arrival at the copy shop.
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