Spring Flowers Update - Yellow Hyacinth and a Pink Rose

It is orchid month here. I also have a hyacinth and a rose flowering, while the cyclamens keep on flowering too.

cyclamen, hyacinth and orchid flowering

March 8th is an interesting day in my country - some love it and celebrate it, some /almost/ hate it or ignore it. In my family it has always been flowers day. With the flowers flooding all the shops and the day in Sunday, I used the Saturday, which was a gloomy day, to visit as many shops as possible and enjoy the colours and petals everywhere.

My flower collection grew with a rose and hyacinth - a yellow one. I love the gentle combo the pinks and yellows produced... It has  second flower stem now.

first flowering rose 2015

The rose was an impulsive buy - it was popping among the others - crisp flowers, yellow centered... So unusual and natural among the folded petals...

first buds
The orchids are complete new story, so I will show them in a week or so, when all flowers open.


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