January Flowers - Hibiscus Flowers

Flowers made my lingerie days in January even brighter. A hibiscus flowered in January for the first time from many years. This one is really special as they are two. It is a combo pot - soft orange and deep red ones share the same pot. I noticed this in the shop and just had to buy them. This happened 4 years ago. I kept it really snug in this very pot it received day I brought it home for the whole time and it flowers every summer on the balcony. But it usually skips winters in its flowering schedule.

The day was gloomy but the flowers made it beautiful. As it is cold, the flowers stay longer - we enjoyed two days each of them. Plus a day or two for the buds. The days were even darker as you can see by the red in the picture:

It is the start of the orchid season now. We saw the first flower yesterday. And the little pink cyclamens feel the air with lemon aroma.


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