A Month Later... Sewing Jeans! with Jean-ius Craftsy Class
I think I'd better post this now just after the jeans first wash /post written on March 17th... yay! busy.../.
Jeans, a few pairs of jeans, were on my table end of February and beginning of March. I finished my first pair first week of March! This is historical event for my sewing on its own. However it was not alone. I spent the next week in research... planning dresses and other sewing things... It is hard to believe, but I think I will be sewing a lot and sewing clothes again!
My sewing is a long story, old love and a little bit forgotten. After sewing all my clothes for years, I somehow limited sewing to quilting and repairs. It is funny that jeans - the only thing I have never sewn before - is now the thing to bring me back to sewing. I have a pair completed in a week. A pair on the way, a pair planned, a pair ordered... and a few dresses waiting for the right fabric. Blouses and other small things - I am not even counting...
The all done and already used pair is a copy of old and outgrown jeans. I changed too many things, but still it all started with a pair to copy. Actually the changes were too many to make them fast. Despite the time spent fitting them, the jeans came together in a week, so I am happy how it all went regarding time. The fit is nice, the look better than the original thanks to some details, the wearer likes them and I am happy!
These jeans are result of my Christmas present to myself - Jean-ius Craftsy class with Kennth D. King. I do recommend it! If you sew or plan to do so, it will help you in terms of techniques, equipment and attitude towards final product. I was so excited about one special notion, that I started searching for it. The funny part is I did not even needed it. It was a special ironing surface against seam allowance transfer or shine. My iron does not leave any traces and no seam allowance is transferred when I use it.
I just forgot!
If you haven't heard about the class and the instructor, you can Google both. I did not know anything about them. I know, I know - it is a pity... The idea of having my jeans the way I like them seemed appealing. The course helps you recreate any garment you like/jeans shown in the class/ and this is particularly useful for all these loved to pieces /literally/ things you can not replace... or kids clothes and have shamelessly short life. The instructor is not only informative and great teacher but also inspiring person and maker and supportive adviser.
This online class is useful in so many aspects, only my wardrobe could say how much space I need for all the new ideas... mostly because... if I sew jeans /which is trousers and they are time consuming/ in a week for the first time... how many dresses I can sew in a single week /as I have sewn piles and they go fast/? Yes, I know... a lot!
Happy stitching!
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